Saturday, June 1, 2024

Hamas and EU Chief Support Gaza Biden Ceasefire Proposal


Hamas Welcomes Biden’s Ceasefire Proposal for Gaza

In a significant development, Hamas has expressed a positive view of the three-phase ceasefire proposal put forth by US President Joe Biden for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. The group stated its readiness to engage constructively with any proposal that focuses on a permanent ceasefire, full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, reconstruction efforts, and the return of displaced individuals to their homes. Additionally, Hamas emphasized the importance of a genuine prisoner swap deal, contingent upon Israel’s commitment to such an agreement.

This shift in Hamas’ stance marks a departure from its previous accusations of the US favoring Israel and impeding ceasefire negotiations. A Palestinian official involved in mediation efforts noted that Hamas perceives Biden’s current position as exerting pressure on Israel to re-engage in negotiations with a different approach, potentially leading to friction between Israel and the US.

The divergence between Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding Gaza’s red lines has raised speculation about the possibility of the US curtailing military assistance if Israel continues its offensive operations in the devastated enclave. Netanyahu’s office confirmed that Israel has authorized negotiators to present a truce proposal following Biden’s disclosure of the ceasefire plan.

According to Palestinian health authorities, over 36,280 individuals have lost their lives in Gaza since Israel’s response to a Hamas attack on southern Israel on October 7. Israeli estimates suggest that around 1,200 people were killed in the Hamas assault.

European Union chief Ursula von der Leyen also weighed in on the situation, welcoming Biden’s ceasefire roadmap as a significant opportunity to end the conflict in Gaza. Von der Leyen echoed Biden’s sentiments, describing the three-step approach as balanced and realistic, emphasizing the need for support from all parties involved.

The international community’s response to Biden’s ceasefire proposal underscores the urgency of addressing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and bringing an end to the violence that has claimed thousands of lives. As diplomatic efforts continue to unfold, the hope is that all parties will prioritize peace and stability in the region.

In conclusion, Hamas’ willingness to engage positively with Biden’s ceasefire proposal signals a potential breakthrough in efforts to achieve lasting peace in Gaza. The support from key international figures such as Ursula von der Leyen further underscores the importance of collective action in resolving the conflict. As discussions progress, the focus remains on finding a sustainable solution that addresses the needs of all affected parties and paves the way for a brighter future in the region.

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