Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Greece: From Pro-Palestinian to Israel’s Close European Ally | TOME


The Growing Alliance Between Greece and Israel: A Shared Vision for Energy and Security

In recent years, Greece and Israel have been forging a strong alliance, driven by their shared energy ambitions, defence partnerships, and a common mistrust of Turkey. This growing partnership has the potential to reshape the geopolitical landscape in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

Energy cooperation has been a key driver of the deepening ties between Greece and Israel. Both countries have discovered significant offshore natural gas reserves in their respective exclusive economic zones (EEZ). The discovery of these reserves has not only opened up new economic opportunities but has also created a strategic imperative for cooperation.

Greece, with its strategic location and extensive coastline, serves as a gateway for Israeli natural gas exports to Europe. The construction of the EastMed pipeline, a joint project between Greece, Israel, and Cyprus, is a testament to their shared vision for energy security. This pipeline will enable the transportation of Israeli gas to Europe, reducing Europe’s dependence on Russian gas and enhancing energy diversification.

Furthermore, Greece and Israel have been conducting joint military exercises and defense collaborations, aimed at enhancing their security capabilities in the face of regional challenges. Both countries perceive Turkey as a destabilizing force in the region and share concerns over its assertive actions in the Eastern Mediterranean.

The signing of a defense agreement in 2015 paved the way for increased military cooperation between Greece and Israel. Since then, the two countries have engaged in regular joint exercises, intelligence sharing, and defense technology transfers. These collaborations not only strengthen their individual defense capabilities but also contribute to regional stability.

The Greece-Israel alliance has also found common ground in their support for Cyprus in its dispute with Turkey over maritime boundaries and resource exploration rights. Both countries have condemned Turkey’s aggressive actions in the region, including its illegal drilling activities in Cypriot waters. This shared mistrust of Turkey has further solidified their partnership.

The strategic implications of the Greece-Israel alliance extend beyond the bilateral relationship. The Eastern Mediterranean region has become a hotbed of geopolitical competition, with various actors vying for influence. The Greece-Israel partnership serves as a counterbalance to Turkey’s regional ambitions and provides stability in an otherwise volatile region.

Moreover, the alliance has caught the attention of other countries, including the United States, which sees the Greece-Israel partnership as a valuable asset in its efforts to counter Russian influence in the region. The US has been actively supporting the trilateral cooperation between Greece, Israel, and Cyprus and has expressed its commitment to ensuring the success of the EastMed pipeline project.

In conclusion, the growing alliance between Greece and Israel is driven by their shared energy ambitions, defense partnerships, and a common mistrust of Turkey. This partnership not only strengthens their individual security and economic interests but also contributes to regional stability. The Greece-Israel alliance has the potential to reshape the geopolitical landscape in the Eastern Mediterranean and serves as a counterbalance to Turkey’s assertive actions in the region. As the alliance continues to deepen, it will be interesting to see how it evolves and influences the dynamics of the Eastern Mediterranean region.

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