Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Gaza Teens Recall Israeli Arrests and Torture: ‘Like Lesser Humans’ | TOME


Title: The Horrors Endured by Palestinians in Gaza City: Stripped, Blindfolded, Numbered, and Tortured


In the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, the plight of Palestinians in Gaza City has often been overshadowed. Recent reports have shed light on the horrifying experiences endured by Palestinians who have been rounded up by Israeli forces. These individuals recount being stripped, blindfolded, numbered, and subjected to torture. This article aims to delve into these distressing accounts and shed light on the human rights violations being perpetrated in Gaza City.

The Disturbing Ordeal:

1. Stripped of Dignity:
Palestinian detainees describe being stripped of their clothes upon arrest, leaving them feeling vulnerable and humiliated. This degrading act serves to exert control and instill fear in the hearts of those detained, further exacerbating their trauma.

2. Blindfolded and Dehumanized:
Blindfolding detainees is a common practice employed by Israeli forces during arrests. This deliberate act of depriving individuals of their sight amplifies their sense of helplessness and disorientation, making them more susceptible to psychological and physical abuse.

3. Numbered for Dehumanization:
Palestinians recount being assigned identification numbers during their detention, reducing them to mere statistics rather than recognizing their inherent humanity. This dehumanizing tactic reinforces the power dynamics between captor and captive, perpetuating a cycle of oppression.

4. Torture and Abuse:
The testimonies of Palestinians reveal a harrowing reality of torture and abuse at the hands of Israeli forces. Methods employed include beatings, electric shocks, stress positions, and verbal threats. These acts not only cause physical harm but also leave lasting psychological scars on the victims.

The Psychological Toll:

1. Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):
The experiences endured by Palestinians in Gaza City have severe psychological consequences. Many detainees suffer from PTSD, characterized by flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, and depression. The long-lasting impact of such trauma on individuals and their families cannot be overstated.

2. Collective Trauma:
The systematic mistreatment of Palestinians in Gaza City perpetuates a collective trauma within the community. The constant fear of arrest, the loss of loved ones, and the destruction of homes contribute to a pervasive sense of insecurity and despair. This collective trauma hampers the prospects for peace and reconciliation in the region.

International Response and Human Rights Violations:

1. Calls for Accountability:
Human rights organizations and activists have repeatedly called for an end to the mistreatment of Palestinians in Gaza City. They demand that those responsible for human rights violations be held accountable for their actions. The international community must exert pressure on all parties involved to ensure justice and respect for human rights.

2. Violation of International Law:
The treatment endured by Palestinians in Gaza City violates numerous international laws and conventions, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Conventions. Such violations must be condemned unequivocally, and steps must be taken to ensure compliance with international law.


The accounts of Palestinians rounded up by Israeli forces in Gaza City paint a disturbing picture of systematic abuse, torture, and dehumanization. Stripped, blindfolded, numbered, and subjected to unspeakable acts, these individuals endure unimaginable suffering. The international community must not turn a blind eye to these human rights violations but instead take decisive action to bring an end to the cycle of violence and ensure justice for the victims. Only through accountability and respect for human rights can a path towards lasting peace be forged in Gaza City.

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