Thursday, May 30, 2024

French PM Macron urges Abbas to reform Palestinian Authority for recognition


French President Emmanuel Macron Urges Palestinian Authority Chief to Implement Reforms

In a recent phone call with Palestinian Authority chief Mahmud Abbas, French President Emmanuel Macron emphasized the importance of implementing necessary reforms within the Palestinian Authority. Macron also offered the prospect of recognition of the state of Palestine as part of a constructive process towards peace in the region.

Building a Common Vision of Peace

During the call, Macron reiterated France’s commitment to working with European and Arab partners to establish a common vision of peace in the region. He also highlighted the significance of providing security guarantees for both Palestinians and Israelis. Macron’s office, the Elysee Palace, stated that the recognition of a state of Palestine could be a valuable step towards achieving lasting peace in the area.

European Nations’ Recognition of Palestine

The phone call between Macron and Abbas came shortly after fellow European nations Spain, Ireland, and Norway officially recognized the state of Palestine. This move was met with criticism from Israel, who viewed it as a political maneuver ahead of the upcoming European elections. Macron’s Foreign Minister, Stephane Sejourne, accused France’s neighbors of prioritizing political positioning over finding a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Support for a Reformed Palestinian Authority

Macron expressed France’s support for a reformed and strengthened Palestinian Authority that is capable of fulfilling its responsibilities across the Palestinian territories, including the Gaza Strip. He emphasized the importance of empowering the Palestinian people through effective governance and leadership.

Calls for Recognition of Palestine

Abbas, in turn, called on European countries that have not yet recognized the state of Palestine to do so. He reaffirmed the Palestinian government’s commitment to implementing necessary reforms and working towards a peaceful resolution to the longstanding conflict with Israel.

Addressing Civilian Casualties in Gaza

The ongoing conflict in Gaza, controlled by the rival Hamas group, has resulted in tragic civilian casualties on both sides. Macron condemned the loss of civilian lives as “intolerable” and extended his sincere condolences to the Palestinian people for the bombing of a displaced people’s camp in Rafah, southern Gaza.

International Efforts for Peace

Macron assured Abbas of France’s determination to collaborate with Algeria and other partners on the UN Security Council to issue a strong statement regarding the situation in Rafah. Algeria has proposed a resolution calling on Israel to immediately cease military actions in the region, emphasizing the need for a peaceful and diplomatic resolution to the conflict.

Looking Ahead

As tensions continue to escalate in the region, Macron’s call for necessary reforms within the Palestinian Authority and his offer of recognition for the state of Palestine signal France’s commitment to promoting peace and stability in the Middle East. By working closely with international partners and supporting diplomatic efforts, Macron aims to facilitate a meaningful dialogue between all parties involved and pave the way for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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