Saturday, July 20, 2024

FAO, Jordan to train 120 women in agriculture | TOME


Women in Agriculture: Empowering Jordanian Women Through Vocational Training

In a significant step towards empowering women in agriculture, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Jordan River Foundation (JRF) have joined forces to provide vocational and technical training to women in Jordan. This initiative aims to enhance the skills and capabilities of women in the agricultural sector, ultimately improving their standard of living and increasing household earnings.

The JRF, known for its Community Empowerment Program, has been actively working to provide economic opportunities to local communities and refugees in Jordan. Through this program, the foundation has been instrumental in improving living standards and creating sustainable livelihoods for women in the region.

The recently signed agreement between FAO and JRF will benefit 120 women in the governorates of Balqa, Jerash, and Ajloun. The training program will focus on enhancing the women’s skills in project management, financial literacy, and the processing of key agricultural products such as carob, sumac, and honey. By equipping these women with technical and administrative skills, the agreement aims to empower them to initiate and manage their agricultural projects successfully.

One of the primary objectives of this collaboration is to enable women to start their agricultural initiatives, thereby increasing their participation in the sector and contributing to the overall economic development of Jordan. By providing women with the necessary tools and knowledge, the program seeks to break down barriers and create opportunities for women to thrive in agriculture.

The training program will not only focus on technical skills but also emphasize the importance of financial literacy and project management. These essential skills are crucial for women to effectively plan, execute, and sustain their agricultural projects. By imparting knowledge in these areas, the program aims to build the confidence and capacity of women to take on leadership roles within their communities.

Moreover, by focusing on the processing of carob, sumac, and honey, the program highlights the potential for value addition in agriculture. Processing agricultural products not only adds value but also opens up new market opportunities for women farmers. By diversifying their skills and products, women can increase their income and create more sustainable livelihoods for themselves and their families.

The agreement between FAO and JRF underscores the importance of investing in women’s empowerment in agriculture. Women play a significant role in food production and security, yet they often face barriers that limit their participation and success in the sector. By providing targeted training and support, organizations can help women overcome these challenges and unlock their full potential as agricultural entrepreneurs.

In conclusion, the partnership between FAO and JRF represents a significant step towards empowering women in agriculture in Jordan. By equipping women with the necessary skills and knowledge, this initiative aims to enhance their livelihoods, increase their household earnings, and create sustainable economic opportunities for women in the agricultural sector. Through targeted vocational training and capacity-building programs, women can take on leadership roles, start their agricultural initiatives, and contribute to the overall development of Jordan’s agricultural sector.

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