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Turkey: The Biggest Ally of the Syrian Opposition in Northwest Syria


In the war-torn country of Syria, Turkey has emerged as the most significant military and political ally of the Syrian opposition in the northwest region. With its strategic location and historical ties to Syria, Turkey has played a crucial role in supporting the opposition forces against the Syrian regime. This article explores Turkey’s involvement, its motivations, and the impact it has had on the conflict.

1. Historical Ties and Geographical Proximity

Turkey and Syria share a long history of cultural, economic, and political ties. The two countries have a common border spanning over 800 kilometers, making them natural neighbors. This geographical proximity has influenced Turkey’s interest in the Syrian conflict, as instability in Syria directly affects Turkey’s security and stability.

2. Humanitarian Concerns and Refugee Crisis

The Syrian conflict has resulted in one of the largest refugee crises in recent history, with millions of Syrians seeking shelter in neighboring countries. Turkey has been at the forefront of providing humanitarian aid and hosting refugees, with over 3.6 million Syrians currently residing in Turkey. This influx of refugees has put immense pressure on Turkey’s economy and infrastructure, further motivating its support for the opposition forces to bring an end to the conflict and facilitate the safe return of refugees to their homeland.

3. Security Concerns and Kurdish Question

Another crucial factor driving Turkey’s involvement in northwest Syria is its security concerns, particularly regarding the Kurdish population. The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), dominated by Kurdish militias, have been a key player in the conflict, controlling significant territories along the Turkish border. Turkey perceives these Kurdish groups as an extension of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), a designated terrorist organization within Turkey. To prevent the establishment of a Kurdish autonomous region along its border, Turkey has supported the Syrian opposition forces to counter both the Syrian regime and Kurdish militias.

4. Political Objectives and Regional Influence

Turkey’s support for the Syrian opposition is also driven by its political objectives and desire for regional influence. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government sees the Syrian conflict as an opportunity to shape the future of Syria and ensure that a friendly government comes to power. By supporting the opposition, Turkey aims to establish a government that aligns with its interests, promotes stability, and prevents the rise of radical groups that could threaten its security.

5. Military Intervention and Operation Euphrates Shield

Turkey’s military intervention in northwest Syria, known as Operation Euphrates Shield, further solidified its position as the primary ally of the Syrian opposition. Launched in 2016, this operation aimed to clear the border region of both ISIS and Kurdish militias, establishing a safe zone for displaced Syrians to return. Turkish forces, alongside Syrian opposition fighters, successfully liberated several towns from ISIS control and pushed back Kurdish forces.

6. Impact on the Conflict

Turkey’s support for the Syrian opposition has had a significant impact on the conflict. The opposition forces have received military training, weapons, and logistical support from Turkey, enabling them to hold their ground against the Syrian regime. Turkish military presence in northwest Syria acts as a deterrent against further regime attacks and provides a sense of security for the local population.


Turkey’s role as the biggest military and political ally of the Syrian opposition in northwest Syria cannot be overstated. Its historical ties, geographical proximity, humanitarian concerns, security interests, and political objectives have all contributed to its active involvement in the conflict. As the conflict continues to evolve, Turkey’s support remains crucial in shaping the future of Syria and ensuring stability in the region.

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