Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Croatia’s top court blocks President Milanovic from becoming prime minister


The Constitutional Court of Croatia has recently ruled that Zoran Milanovic cannot take up the position of Prime Minister because he did not first step down as president. This decision has caused quite a stir in the political landscape of the country, with many questioning the legality and implications of such a ruling.


Zoran Milanovic, a prominent political figure in Croatia, served as the President of the country from 2020 to 2022. Following his term as president, Milanovic was elected as a Member of Parliament and was subsequently nominated by his party to become the next Prime Minister. However, the Constitutional Court’s ruling has thrown a wrench in his plans, as they have deemed his appointment as Prime Minister unconstitutional due to his failure to resign from his previous position as president.

Legal Implications

The Constitutional Court’s decision is based on Article 105 of the Croatian Constitution, which states that a person holding the office of president must resign before taking up any other public office. This provision is intended to prevent conflicts of interest and ensure the separation of powers within the government. By failing to resign from his position as president before accepting the nomination for Prime Minister, Milanovic has violated this constitutional requirement.

Political Fallout

The ruling has sparked a debate among politicians and legal experts in Croatia. Some argue that the Constitutional Court’s decision is a necessary safeguard against potential abuses of power, while others believe that it is an overreach of judicial authority. Milanovic’s supporters have criticized the ruling as politically motivated, claiming that it is an attempt to undermine his leadership and influence within the government.

Moving Forward

In light of the Constitutional Court’s ruling, Zoran Milanovic will not be able to assume the role of Prime Minister. This decision has left a power vacuum in the government, with many questioning who will lead the country in the wake of this controversy. It remains to be seen how this ruling will impact the political landscape of Croatia and what implications it will have for future elections and governance.


The Constitutional Court’s ruling that Zoran Milanovic cannot take up the position of Prime Minister due to his failure to resign as president has raised important questions about the rule of law and constitutional principles in Croatia. This decision has highlighted the importance of upholding legal norms and procedures in a democratic society, and serves as a reminder of the need for transparency and accountability in government. As Croatia navigates this political crisis, it is crucial that all parties involved respect the rule of law and work towards a resolution that upholds the principles of democracy and justice.

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