Wednesday, May 29, 2024

“Clashes in East Syria after Curfew in Kurdish-held Areas”


Sporadic Clashes Erupt in Kurdish-Held Area of Eastern Syria

Fighting broke out in the Kurdish-controlled areas of Deir Ezzor province in eastern Syria after the arrest of Ahmad Al-Khabil, the head of the Deir Ezzor Military Council. The violence has resulted in the deaths of 54 people, including six children. However, a 48-hour curfew has been imposed to restore calm in the region.

The Deir Ezzor province, largely populated by Arabs, is controlled by the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). On the west bank of the Euphrates River, forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad and Iran-affiliated fighters are stationed. To maintain harmony with local Arab tribes, Kurdish authorities manage their controlled areas through local civilian and military councils.

The SDF issued a statement criticizing the spread of propaganda aimed at sowing discord and breaking the unity between the SDF and the local Arab population. They emphasized that there is no dispute between the SDF and the tribes in the region and that they maintain constant communication with them.

According to SDF spokesman Farhad Shami, the clashes primarily involve elements of the regime and individuals benefiting from Khabil’s arrest. The SDF accuses Khabil of communicating with Assad’s government, involvement in drug trafficking, mismanagement leading to an increase in ISIS activities, and other offenses.

The situation escalated when pro-regime fighters, supported by Iran, took advantage of the clashes to infiltrate two Kurdish-controlled villages. This development further complicates the already tense situation in the region.

The SDF, backed by the United States, played a crucial role in defeating ISIS in Syria in 2019. Their control extends over vast territories in northeastern Syria.

The recent clashes highlight the complex dynamics at play in Syria, where various factions vie for control and influence. The Kurdish-Arab divide remains a significant challenge, with both sides seeking to assert their authority and protect their interests.

The violence in Deir Ezzor province underscores the need for a comprehensive and inclusive approach to governance in Syria. It is crucial to address the grievances of all ethnic and religious groups to achieve lasting peace and stability in the war-torn country.

Efforts should be made to foster dialogue and cooperation between the SDF, Arab tribes, and the Assad regime. By promoting understanding and collaboration, it may be possible to mitigate tensions and prevent further outbreaks of violence.

International actors, including the United States, should continue to support diplomatic initiatives aimed at finding a political solution to the Syrian conflict. This includes encouraging negotiations between the various parties involved and facilitating humanitarian aid to alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people.

In conclusion, the sporadic clashes in the Kurdish-held area of eastern Syria highlight the ongoing challenges in achieving stability and unity in the country. It is essential for all stakeholders to prioritize dialogue, cooperation, and inclusivity to pave the way for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Only through collective efforts can Syria hope to rebuild and move towards a brighter future.

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