Sunday, September 8, 2024


Name it: Anti-Palestinianism | TOME

From Joe Biden on down, liberals denounce anti-Muslim bias to avoid mentioning the scourge of hate against Palestinians.

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FBI Warrantless Search Lawsuits Allowed to Proceed

A federal court swatted away the government’s motions to dismiss two cases about the FBI’s “egregious” overstep.

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World Bank Chief Apologizes for Child Sex Abuse Scandal Handling

"Put simply, mistakes were made."

The post World Bank Chief Apologizes to Staff for Handling of Child Sex Abuse Scandal appeared first on The Intercept.

Billion-Dollar Jewish Fund Bans Donations to Progressive Group | TOME

The Jewish Communal Fund, which lets contributors direct their donations, blocks gifts to Jewish Voice for Peace because of its stance on Israel.

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20+ Student Groups Protest Lawsuit Against Columbia’s Suspension of Two Students

In addition to Columbia, another Ivy League lawsuit by Penn faculty seeks to block the school’s cooperation with a “McCarthyesque” House committee.

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Accenture Takes Over LA Jail Reform Plan

A plan to divert money from police ended up funneling an $8.6 million contract back toward the prison-industrial complex.

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Roe v. Wade: Not Enough for Reproductive Freedom | TOME

Biden vowed to codify Roe. But the ruling was never about whether the government had a right to your body, only when it had a right to your body.

The post Roe Was Never Enough to Ensure Reproductive Freedom appeared first on The Intercept.

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