Thursday, November 2, 2023

BRICS Invitations’ Impact on the Middle East: An Analysis


Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have long been key players in the Middle East, with their strategic locations and vast oil reserves. However, in recent years, both countries have been looking to balance their relations between the East and the West, while Iran and Egypt are seeking to benefit financially from this shift.

Saudi Arabia, under the leadership of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, has been implementing a series of reforms aimed at diversifying its economy and reducing its dependence on oil. This has included opening up the country to foreign investment and encouraging tourism. In doing so, Saudi Arabia is seeking to strengthen its ties with Western countries, particularly the United States.

The UAE, on the other hand, has been positioning itself as a regional hub for business and finance. With its modern infrastructure and business-friendly policies, the UAE has attracted numerous multinational corporations and investors. Like Saudi Arabia, the UAE is also seeking to strengthen its relations with Western countries, particularly in terms of trade and investment.

Both Saudi Arabia and the UAE have been working to improve their image in the West. They have taken steps to promote religious tolerance and women’s rights, which were previously contentious issues. These efforts have been well-received by Western countries, who see them as positive signs of progress.

At the same time, Iran and Egypt are looking to benefit financially from this shift in the balance of power. Iran, which has long been at odds with Saudi Arabia and the UAE, sees an opportunity to increase its influence in the region. The lifting of international sanctions on Iran in 2015 has allowed it to re-engage with the global economy and attract foreign investment.

Iran has been actively seeking partnerships with countries in Asia and Europe, as well as expanding its trade relations with China. It has also been working to strengthen its ties with Russia, which has been a key ally in its efforts to counter Western influence in the region. By doing so, Iran hopes to increase its economic and political leverage in the Middle East.

Egypt, on the other hand, has been looking to attract foreign investment and boost its struggling economy. The country has been implementing economic reforms, including reducing subsidies and improving its business environment. Egypt has also been actively seeking financial assistance from international organizations and countries in the Gulf region.

Egypt sees the shifting dynamics in the Middle East as an opportunity to strengthen its economic ties with both the East and the West. It has been working to improve its relations with Russia and China, while also seeking to attract investment from Western countries. By doing so, Egypt hopes to benefit from increased trade and investment, which will help alleviate its economic challenges.

In conclusion, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are looking to balance their relations between the East and the West, as they seek to diversify their economies and reduce their dependence on oil. This shift has been well-received by Western countries, who see it as a positive sign of progress. However, Iran and Egypt are also looking to benefit financially from this shift, as they seek to increase their influence and attract foreign investment. The changing dynamics in the Middle East present both challenges and opportunities for all countries involved, as they navigate a complex geopolitical landscape.

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