Sunday, June 23, 2024

Arab League welcomes Armenia’s recognition of Palestinian state


Arab League Welcomes Armenia’s Recognition of the State of Palestine

The Arab League has recently welcomed Armenia’s decision to recognize the State of Palestine, making it the latest country to do so. This move comes at a crucial time as Israel continues its assault on Gaza, prompting strong reactions from Israeli officials.

Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit praised Armenia’s announcement, calling it a courageous decision that aligns with the right side of history. The increasing recognition of the Palestinian state by various countries reflects a growing international consensus that the ongoing occupation is unsustainable and underscores the urgency of implementing a two-state solution.

According to Gamal Roshdy, spokesperson for the secretary-general, recognizing Palestine as a state is a crucial step towards establishing a Palestinian state based on the borders of June 4, 1967. Roshdy emphasized the importance of all countries recognizing Palestine as soon as possible, as it not only supports the two-state solution but also contributes to achieving peace and ending the occupation.

Egypt also welcomed Armenia’s decision, viewing it as a positive step towards realizing the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Egypt issued a statement expressing appreciation for Armenia’s support for the Palestinian cause and urging all international parties to work towards creating a political framework that addresses the root causes of the Palestinian issue.

Egypt called on influential global actors to uphold their moral and historical responsibilities towards the Palestinian people, especially during times of humanitarian crisis. The statement emphasized the need to end Israeli attacks on Gaza and recognized the recognition of the state of Palestine as a crucial step towards a just resolution of the Palestinian conflict.

The recognition of Palestine by Armenia and other countries signifies a growing international consensus on the need for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. By acknowledging Palestine as a state, countries are not only affirming their support for the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination but also signaling their commitment to upholding international law and promoting peace in the region.

As more countries join in recognizing Palestine, pressure mounts on Israel to engage in meaningful negotiations and work towards a just and lasting solution to the conflict. The Arab League’s endorsement of Armenia’s decision underscores the importance of international solidarity in advancing the cause of Palestinian statehood and ending the cycle of violence and occupation in the region.

In conclusion, Armenia’s recognition of the State of Palestine is a significant development that highlights the growing momentum towards achieving a two-state solution and ending the Israeli occupation. The Arab League and Egypt’s support for this decision underscore the importance of international cooperation in addressing the root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and working towards a just and lasting peace in the region.

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