Thursday, May 30, 2024

Analysts Say US Criticism of Israeli Settlements is ‘Meaningless’


The United States has expressed its deep dismay at Israeli settlement expansion plans, while also denouncing a United Nations proposal to condemn the same settlements as “unhelpful”. This contradiction has highlighted President Joe Biden’s unwillingness to meaningfully counter violations committed by Israel’s far-right government against Palestinians. Without action, statements against Israeli policies are “meaningless”, according to Khalil Jahshan, executive director of the Arab Center Washington DC.

The Biden administration issued rare criticism of an Israeli plan to build 10,000 settlement units in the occupied Palestinian West Bank, saying Washington was “deeply troubled”. Secretary of State Antony Blinken joined the foreign ministers of France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom in rejecting the Israeli move. White House spokesperson Kaine Jean-Pierre later said Washington was “deeply dismayed” by the Israeli announcement.

However, when asked about a draft UN Security Council resolution that would call on Israel to cease settlement activity, State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel denounced the measure. He said it was “unhelpful in supporting the conditions necessary to advance negotiations for a two-state solution”. The US has used its veto power at the UN Security Council dozens of times to protect Israel from criticism over its international law violations.

Tariq Kenney-Shawa, US policy fellow at Al-Shabaka, a Palestinian think tank, said the contradiction of the Biden administration’s position is proof of their complicity in the continuation of Israeli occupation and apartheid. He added that every US administration has said they oppose anything that will endanger a two-state solution, yet none have taken action to stop Israel’s illegal expansion.

Israel receives at least $3.8bn of US aid annually and has been building settlements housing hundreds of thousands of Israelis on occupied lands which Palestinians seek as part of their future state. International law explicitly prohibits occupying powers from transferring their civilian population into occupied territories and the UN has called Israeli settlements a “war crime”.

The recent US criticism of Israeli policies came after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu returned to the country’s leadership in late 2022. Despite his anti-Palestinian rhetoric, efforts to weaken Israel’s judiciary and alliance with ultranationalists, Biden has professed his “love” for Netanyahu. Even the Obama-Netanyahu rivalry did not lead to a significant change in Washington’s position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

However, Washington also opposes the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement that aims to peacefully pressure Israel to end abuses against Palestinians. It has warned Palestinians against turning to the International Criminal Court or the International Court of Justice to pursue accountability for Israeli violations. Jahshan said the US expects Palestinians to “just basically take it and smile”.

In conclusion, despite US criticism of Israeli policies, Washington continues to maintain unconditional financial and diplomatic support for Israel. This is because all the US cares about is preserving the status quo of Israeli domination — that is the heart of the issue. Without meaningful action, mere statements against Israeli policies are meaningless and will not lead to any real change.

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