Thursday, August 22, 2024

3 Journalists Arrested Covering DNC Protests: “I Was Pulled Off of the Sidewalk”


At least three journalists were arrested while covering protests during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Photojournalist Josh Pacheco, who has worked with major media outlets such as the New York Times and PBS, described a chaotic scene as police officers ordered protesters and journalists to disperse. Pacheco stated that nobody understood the dispersal order and that they were arrested while trying to leave the area with other journalists. Pacheco, along with photojournalists Sinna Nasseri and Olga Federova, were charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct.

During their arrest, Pacheco claimed to have identified themselves as a journalist to the officers, but their media credentials were snatched away. The journalists’ attorney, Steven Baron, argued that the city violated their First Amendment rights by charging them for simply doing their jobs. However, Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling scolded the journalists’ actions and blamed them for obstructing officers’ ability to move about. Snelling refused to recognize the rally as a protest and claimed that participants had the intent to fight with the police and cause harm.

The Chicago Police Department did not respond to requests for comment on the arrests. While police reported around 50 arrests, the National Lawyers Guild Chicago reported at least 70 arrests, with the actual number potentially higher due to difficulties in locating arrested protesters in police custody.

The protests took place in front of the Israeli Consulate in downtown Chicago while Democratic officials were at the convention’s main stage. Demonstrators carried signs criticizing the Democratic Party’s foreign policy and advocating for the rights of Palestinians. After a series of speeches, the protesters marched toward Madison Street but were met with lines of officers who stopped the march and pushed the group backward.

The lawyers guild accused the police of provoking confrontations, indiscriminately arresting people on the sidewalk, and entrapping groups to carry out mass arrests. Pacheco was released from custody the following morning and returned to work, covering a larger pro-Palestine demonstration in Union Park. The demonstration featured speakers such as former presidential candidate Jill Stein. Pacheco documented a significant law enforcement presence at the park, with officers mounted on bikes and wielding batons.

The arrests of journalists covering the protests have raised concerns about press freedom and the treatment of journalists by law enforcement. The journalists’ attorney argued that the city’s actions were heavy-handed and disregarded the journalists’ First Amendment rights. The arrests highlight the ongoing tension between law enforcement and the media, particularly during protests and demonstrations.

Overall, the arrests of journalists during the Democratic National Convention protests in Chicago have sparked controversy and raised questions about the treatment of journalists and the protection of press freedom. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of a free press in a democratic society and the need to ensure that journalists can safely and effectively cover public events.

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