Friday, September 27, 2024


EU-China Summit: Addressing Differences and Rivalries – TOME

With two wars and tense trade relations, EU and Chinese officials open talks hoping for 'mutually beneficial' ties.

Israeli forces kill 4 Palestinians in West Bank: ministry | TOME

RAMALLAH, Palestinian Territories: Israeli forces shot dead four Palestinians, two of them teenagers, in the north of the occupied West Bank on Wednesday, the Palestinian health ministry said. Sixteen-year-old Omar Abu Bakr was killed by “a bullet to the chest fired by soldiers from the occupation (Israel) in Yabad,” the health ministry said in a statement. Abdul Nasser Mustafa Riyahi, 24, succumbed to his wounds after being shot in the Balata refugee camp near Nablus, according to the ministry.

Israel-Hamas Conflict: Key Events, Day 62 | TOME

The UN chief's invocation of a rare power and a warning from the ICC chief prosecutor - here are major updates.

5 Key Takeaways from 4th GOP Debate in US | TOME

Four candidates spar at debate in Tuscaloosa, Alabama — the final one of the year, six weeks ahead of the Iowa caucuses.

Senior UN Official Condemns Israel-Hamas War’s ‘Blatant Disregard’ as Numerous UN Sites Are Targeted

BEIRUT: The head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees told The Associated Press on Wednesday there is no safe haven in besieged Gaza for civilians — not even in UN shelters and so-called “safe zones” designated by Israel. Philippe Lazzarini, commissioner general of the UN Relief and Works Agency, also known as UNRWA, said in an interview with the AP that since the outbreak if the Israel-Hamas war, more than 80 UN facilities in the Gaza Strip have been hit.

Republicans Block Ukraine Funding Despite Biden Pleas Over US-Mexico Border | TOME

US President warned not passing the measure would 'kneecap' Ukraine on the battlefield and be a 'gift' to Putin.

Russia-Ukraine War: Key Events, Day 652 | TOME

As the war enters its 652nd day, these are the main developments.

Must read